Thursday 4 October 2012

Here is a some pictures of a recent camping trip to the Cairngorm National Park in Scotland. When I get around to working out to use google maps I will post  a route.
Me and Marcus drove to The Linn of Dee, from there we biked it along a reasonably good land rover track at night to Bob Scott Bothy where we spent the night.
Bob Scott Bothy, very warm and snug.

Scots Pine around the Bothy

Its good to have a bike in these parts it saved alot of leg work

Ben Macdui in the middle, and the ridge Sron Riach that we climbed up the next day.

Devils Point (or Penis) was renamed to not offend Queen Victoria

First Sight of Corrour Bothy

Bridge to Corrour

Corrour Bothy
Devils Point

Gaffa Tape is ideal for preventing blisters...

Climbing up to Cairn Toul , Ben Macdui opposite across the Lairig Ghru.

Looking back to The Devils Point.

Carn a Mhaim Ridge on the left we traversed that way the next day from Ben Macdui.

1213m it had started to rain heavily in big soft snow flakes

Looking up the Lairg Ghru, the high pass to Aviemore. 

Emergency Shelter, not recommended as an overnight stop...we had a brew here after coming down off  Angels Peak.

Lairig Ghru

Lairig Ghru

Nearly back at Corrour Bothy

My MSR Hubba Hubba HP

The next day and sun!
Ben Macdui, the second highest in the UK

Looking North up the Lairig Ghru

We pitched the tent up in Glen Luibeg then went up Ben Macdui

The long long path up Ben Macdui

Looking across to Cairn Toul

Carn a Mhaim we walked along this ridge on the way back

Lochan Uaine

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The summit of Ben Macdui

'Arse roc'k as we nick named it...

Looking back to Ben Macdui and along the ridge 

Lairig Ghru and Corrour Bothy far below.

Lairig Ghru.

Looking towards Linn of Dee and the way we had cycled two days before.

Back at the tent and time for a well earned brew.